
I know you are, but who am I?


Mostly about me.

I am no stranger to long hours, endless nights, countless critiques, second guesses, questionable reviews, ambiguous direction, minuscule budgets, abbreviated deadlines, stale coffee, bloodshot eyes, and sweet victories. I am a graphic designer. And an illustrator. And an author, too. And I couldn’t be happier doing anything else (that I can think of right now).

I have also claimed to be, among other things, an editorial cartoonist, a screen printer, a digital designer, an art director, a storyteller, and a professional balloon artiste (but not necessarily in that order). And I have been accused of being a problem creator, a problem solver, an over-thinker, a reliable partner, a cheap date, and a loyal friend.

My work is filled with possibilities. I wear my inspiration on my sleeve. I am not afraid to get lost. I will eat almost anything (at least once). I love to collaborate. I live to inspire. I am always dreaming of my next project.

Okay. So it is all about me.


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